Drilling tool, all of the drilling tool and method of drilling wells
Our specialists know all about the drilling tool. They will provide mining companies and drilling companies the best technical solution: from the selection and acquisition of drilling equipment to adapt drilling operations in relation to specific natural and geological conditions. Using the cooperation with foreign partners, our company is constantly developing new models of equipment for drilling.
Production of the factory produced the most modern equipment. This allows for a low price to achieve high quality products that will satisfy the most demanding user. Buy drilling tools in our company - and thus to acquire a high-quality service, maintenance and technical support. Technologists and engineers have extensive experience in maintenance of equipment in various operating and climatic conditions. Our drilling tools, the cost of which is much lower foreign counterparts, the quality is not inferior to him at all. For all kinds of services are warranted..
Tool for core drilling
The main advantage of core drilling - the ability to extract core samples from the well, that is a column of terrain without disturbing the structure for drilling hard rock. Achieved by the application of the core barrel (inner barrel) and carbide bits (for large breeds hardness diamond drill bits are used). A feature of this type of drilling is to drill the borehole at any angle and with a relatively small diameter hole at its largest depth. The range of carbide bits for drilling rocks V-VIII categories has three dozen models. In addition crowns, in the list of tools for core drilling includes:
- core pipe;
- casing with nipples headband;
- auxiliary devices for the extraction and recovery of the core;
- drill pipe;
- drilling spoons;
- four groups of adapters.
Core drilling is indispensable for exploration and research. The tool has a relatively small mass and is suitable for use in any geological conditions.
Tool for cable-churn drilling
Cable-churn drilling is used for drilling wells primarily in the exploration of weak soils (loose rocks with a high content of gravel-pebble deposits and boulders) as well as the extraction of various natural solutions. The depth of the wells is mainly up to 100 m, diameter 150-850 mm. To drop the impactor projectile used drilling rigs type URB-12.ZBT, PBU-2, UGB-001 winch equipped with a free discharge. Our factory offers customers the following tools:
- cable-churn cartridges;
- probes for vibration drilling;
- bailer flat valve;
- rods for vibration drilling;
- cable-churn rods;
- corer;
- shoes, socket and shoes bailer;
- auxiliary tools.
Produced in our factory tool for drilling cable-way has dozens of items, each of which is made exclusively from high quality materials and in compliance with all standards of quality, and the guests, so during drilling can withstand virtually any load.
Tool for auger drilling
To pass the soils of different hardness are various drilling methods. In particular, auger drilling is used for sinking unsteadily rocks (IV categories). It is carried out using drag bit, reinforced with carbide tipped weapons. Destroyed, the working surface of the drill, rock brought to the surface by a screw - steel spiral (flange) is attached to the drill rod. Drilling tool with a plant of this type for drilling includes eight groups:
- bore bit blade;
- auger drilling ;
- auger holder;
- augers fingers;
- auger rod;
- three groups of adapters.
Auger drilling is a kind of rotary drilling, and is mainly used for drilling wells up to fifty meters deep, in exceptional cases - up to one hundred and twenty meters.
Tool for roller cone drill
Roller cone drill - the most common method of drilling in the mining industry. Bore bit for roller drill is designed for excavating the hardest rocks. Structurally, it is a block of several cones (conical or cylindrical) with milled to them in the form of projections of the teeth of different configurations, which are the rock cutting device. Cutters rotate in the drill bit, which also rotates, clinging to the bottom with great effort. Breaking rock (stone dust and fine grit) brought to the surface by pneumatic or hydraulic means. Roller cone drill is used in our country since the thirties of the last century.
Well drilling rig with a rock bit used for drilling even in granite massif, whose compressive strength is quite high and reaches 300 MPa. Drilling Technology Factory offers the following tools for roller cone drill:
- roller bits (seven items), for hard soils of different types;
- bit "Pikobur" (two types);
- adapters (five types, more than fifty titles);
- well filters (nine items);
- guide tube;
- casings (three types);
- drill pipe;
- locks for drill pipe;
- milling shoes.
Tool for drilling in difficult geological conditions
We offer consumers about fifty names of different types of tools and accessories for use in complex geological conditions. These include:
- hollow auger;
- four types of adapters;
- pneumatic percussion tubes;
- several types of crowns;
- caterpillars, intended for installation on wheeled vehicles;
- special tools allowing to increase the quality of work coring.
These tools can be used in cases where a variety of methods are used in well drilling.