Equipment in stock" action plus a gift! Everyone who purchases equipment from availability before December 15, 2020 receives 300,000 rubles as a gift in the form of equipment ...
"Drilling Technologies Factory" launches a small-sized drilling rig "ZBT-200 Strelka"
April 15-16, 2014, in Moscow, the specialists of LLC "Drilling Technologies Factory" participated in the second practical conference and exhibition "Modern methods of field and laboratory studies of soils".
LLC "DTF" has signed a cooperation agreement with the company "Favorit-Geo". Now customers from Belarus can apply directly to our dealer "Favorit-Geo".
The Engineering Department has developed and launched into serial production static sensing device for drilling rigs.
Signed an agreement for the supply of drilling rigs Cortech to Russia. In the framework of cooperation for the supply of exploration drilling rigs production Cortech the territory of the Russian Federation, signed an agreement for the transfer of authority for the implementation of this equipment in the Russian Federation, the Drilling Technologies Factory (LLC "BurTehImport").
The Сommercial Вepartment of the "DTF" signed a dealer agreement with JSC "Uralburmash" (VBM-Group) for the implementation of cone bits in the territory of the Northwestern Federal District, Southern Federal District. Now the bits in stock by producer prices!
Engineers released a new modification of a drill rig BS-50 "KROT" on the chassis of the crawler Transporter GAZ-71, GAZ-34039 for engineering-geological surveys in terrain.
We are glad to inform you that on 15 November 2010, in the representation of Krasnodar, pipe threading launched the site.
Running a new line for production of auger to 200 mm, thus reducing the cost of the product and to increase the speed of production.
Started a new technological stand of assembly and running-in of gears of drilling rig URB-2A2, which can significantly increase the life of the rotator and transfer box, as well as to improve the quality of our products.
Successful proof test and put into production a new modification of the rig UKB 12/25-02 INTEK.
We signed an exclusive dealership agreement for the supply of exploration Cortech drilling rigs in Russia. The obligation of warranty and after warranty service on the entire territory of the Russian Federation.
The Design Department of LLC "DTF" has developed and launched a mass production of the device for extrusion of the core.
Компания «Завод Буровых Технологий» приняла участие в выставке посвященной VII Общероссийской конференции «Перспективы развития инженерных изысканий в строительстве». Благодаря выставке укреплены деловые связи и заложена основа для новых партнерских отношений. Также представлены последние разработки в области инженерных изысканий.
From 24 to 26 April in Moscow, IEC "Crocus Expo", held 16th international conference and exhibition "Mining equipment, mining and beneficiation of ores and minerals" - MiningWorld Russia 2012 annually demonstrating the latest technologies and equipment in the coal and mining industries, and underground construction, and new methods and means of ensuring the safety of mining enterprises.
Introduced in serial production of a new hydraulic system of the drilling rig URB-2A-2. The design uses components produced by Italy, which increased the reliability and service life of the drilling rigs!
In connection with the opening of a new shop build rigs URB-2A-2, as well as creating additional office launched a new phone number in the sales of drilling rigs (812) 640-01-44.