Conventional coring

      Conventional coring - is one of the main methods of exploration of solid mineral deposits. Such drilling is often used in process engineering-geological investigations in the search of oil and gas fields on structure-test surveys. In addition, conventional coring is used for various engineering purposes, water well drilling.
      Conventional coring is widely used in the following cases:

      • drilling small diameter at large depths using relatively light equipment;
      • extraction from the wells of cylindrical columns of rock, refers to cores, which are geologic section, and you will taste the minerals;
      • drilling at various angles to the horizon in the rocks of different resistance and hardness by means of all kinds of rock drilling tools.

      Drilling rigs for conventional coring

    1. Price from $ 84 350

      Modern drilling rig URB-12.ZBT meets the highest requirements of professionals. An installation created by the renowned and reliable machine URB-2A-2, which took a serious test of time and to be recognized by more than 4500 companies in Russia and abroad.
    2. Price from $ 69 400

      Drilling Technologies Factory produces the most reliable and multipurpose rig URB-2A-2. The Engineering Department of the company constantly works on improvement and modernization of various plant components. Production Department introduced a number of technical solutions to increase the service life of the rig.
    3. Price from $ 74 400

      Drilling Technologies Factory produces rig URB 2D3 chassis all-wheel drive all-kind of vehicles or crawlers. Production Department introduced a number of technical solutions to increase the service life of the rig.
    4. Price from $ 88 650

      Medium-sized drilling rig SBU-19.ZBT "Strelka" - is intended for companies engaged in engineering surveys, water drilling, diamond drilling, as well as in construction drilling.