Drilling rig SBU-19.ZBT - "Strelka"
Purpose of the rig
The medium-sized drilling rig SBU-19.ZBT Strelka is intended for companies engaged in engineering surveys, water drilling, diamond drilling, as well as in construction drilling.
The unit is designed for drilling vertical wells up to 300 meters. Designed for drilling vertical wells,
continuous and annular face,
purging and flushing drilling,
shock-rope method.
Drilling Rig Benefits
1. Small size and mobility
SBU-19.ZBT "Strelka" drilling rig is installed on the base of tracked carts, which will allow you to:
reduce fuel costs
reduce the cost of all kinds of passes for travel in urban areas
reduce car maintenance costs
and also, will allow the use of a powerful drilling rig, "Strelka" in cramped conditions.
increase cross-country ability, in poor road conditions, in comparison with heavy drilling rigs on the chassis of 6x6 cars
A highly maneuverable chassis minimizes the destruction of landscape design, allows you to drive to an object with dense buildings, which gives you a significant advantage in the drilling market.
2. Power of the rig, speed of drilling operations
When using the powerful drilling rig SBU-19.ZBT Strelka for drilling water wells or for heat pumps, the installation is capable of drilling and casing, in a few hours, deep wells 60–200 m deep.
To reduce the time of hoisting operations, the installation can be equipped with a mast with the rotation of the rotator:
2200mm (1700mm) - Rotator travel (drill rod length)
3500mm (3000mm) - Rotator travel (drill rod length)
3. Design advantages
The high reliability of the SBU-19.ZBT Strelka drilling rig is achieved by the industrial production of parts and assemblies using high-tech equipment. Used hydraulic components manufactured in Italy, Germany significantly increase the reliability of the complete drilling rig and allow it to operate in harsh climatic conditions from -400С to + 400С.
All installation nodes are located on a common platform, which ensures rigidity. A reinforced mast with an extension for the winch is pivotally mounted on the platform, this mast design allows to reduce the time for hoisting operations.
The hydraulic system is used to drive the rotator, winch, lifting - lowering the mast, support jacks.
The rotator is equipped with a hollow spindle with the upper location of the flushing seal, which completely eliminates the leakage of flushing fluid and getting it into the rotator-reducer.
Management of the installation is fully hydroficated and focused on a single console.
To work on a drilling rig, a team of two people is required.
SBU-19.ZBT "Strelka" is a combination of drilling characteristics of high power, drilling speed and no one's weight, thanks to modern engineering technologies.